Dakota Hose & Fittings

Founded in 1972 by W.W. Sholl in a 30’ X 40’ garage, Dakota Hose has grown into a new 20,000 sq/ft building and is a leading supplier of Industrial, Agricultural & Hydraulic Hose, Fittings, and Adapters to a diverse group of distributors and industries. Our experienced staff have decades of experience and are focused on offering the best service.  With lines directly to our team members, you are sure to connect with one of our knowledgeable professionals quickly to have your questions answered promptly and accurately. 

Dakota Hose has high quality on-hand inventory, production and kitting capabilities – all geared to meet your demanding Kanban, Lean or JIT manufacturing requirements.  Every kit and shipment can be barcoded to meet the highest standards for QA control and traceability. 

Dakota Hose’s keen attention to quality, detail, competitive pricing and timely delivery creates an environment ideal for long-term successful supplier/customer relationships. 

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